βHow to Reduce Image File Size on Mac - In Few Clicks

As digital cameras continue to evolve and improve, the image file sizes they produce continue to increase. This is great news for photographers, as we can capture ever-increasing levels of detail and resolution. However, it also creates some challenges in storing, sharing, and editing our images.
The larger the file size, the longer it will take to upload or download the image and the more storage space it will require. This can be an issue when sharing images online or sending them via email. It can also be a problem when trying to edit large files in photo editing software; the larger the file, the longer it will take to load into the program and make changes.
Why Does the Image Size Matter?
So, why does file size matter? For most users, it comes down to a balance of quality and convenience. It is important to resize images because they can take up a lot of space on your computer. They can slow down your computer if you have many images.
Resizing them can help speed it up. When you resize an image, you change the number of pixels in the image. The more pixels there are, the sharper the image will be. However, an image with too many pixels can appear grainy.
Resizing an image can also help you save space on your hard drive or memory card. A 2-megapixel camera can take pictures that are 1600x1200 pixels. Those same photos taken with a 12-megapixel camera would be 3200x2400 pixels. That means the 12-megapixel photo would be four times as large as the 2-megapixel photo.
Reducing the file size of an image is important for a few reasons:
1. Large image files can take up a lot of space on your hard drive.
2. Smaller file sizes will make this process faster if you plan to email or upload the image.
3. Smaller image files load faster on websites and are easier for people to view.
Methods to Reduce Image File Size on Your Mac
Step 1: Check File Format
The first step to reducing image file size on a Mac is to check the file format. The most common image file formats are JPEG, PNG, and TIFF. Each of these formats has different features and benefits. For example, JPEG files are typically smaller than PNG or TIFF files but don't support transparency.
That means if you have an image with a transparent background, you'll need to use one of the other formats. Once you've determined which format is best for your needs, you can proceed to the next step.
Step 2: Adjust Image Resolution
When you adjust the image resolution, you tell the computer how many pixels to use to create the image. The more pixels there are, the higher the resolution and quality of the image. However, this also means that the file size will be larger. To reduce the file size without compromising quality, you can lower the resolution.
To do this, open up your image in Preview. Go to Tools > Adjust Size. A new window will pop up with a variety of options. Under Image Dimensions, select Pixels from the drop-down menu next to the resolution.
This will change the units from Inches to Pixels. Now you can enter your desired width and height in pixels. Remember that reducing both values by half will result in one-fourth of the original file size!
Step 3: Reduce the Number of Colors
When it comes to reducing the file size of an image, one effective method is to reduce the number of colors. This can be done in many ways, but one common approach is to use a tool like Adobe Photoshop to change the image mode from RGB to Indexed Color.
Doing this will typically result in a smaller file size and, in some cases, can dramatically reduce the file size. Another thing to keep in mind is that reducing the number of colors will also generally reduce the quality of the image, so it's important to find a balance that works for you.
Step 4: Remove Unnecessary Information
When trying to reduce image file size on a Mac, one of the best things you can do is remove any unnecessary information. This can be anything from extra pixels to new colors.
One way to remove unnecessary information is to crop the image. This will remove any pixels that are outside of the main subject area. If any areas of the image are blank or unused, you can also use the "trim" function to remove them.
How to Reduce Image File Size With Shrink.Media?
Reducing the file size of images is important for many reasons. Large image files can take up a lot of space on a hard drive, are slow to load on a website, and make email attachments take longer to send. There are a few ways to reduce image file size, but one of the easiest is to use Shrink.Media.
βStep 1: To use Shrink.media Go to its website and upload the image you want to resize.

Step 2: Then, make the adjustments per your requirement in the Photo quality and Photo Dimensions.

Step 3: Click the "Compress" button. The site will then process your image and provide you with a download link for the compressed file.

This way, you can compress the image size with Shrink.Media tool by Pixelbin.io. There are so many other functions or apps provided by Pixelbin.io for removing background, enlarging images, watermark remover, etc. Try these out in one place to save time, regardless of wasting it on other apps or websites.
How to make image file size smaller mac?
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How to reduce file size on Mac?
How to make photo file size smaller on Mac?
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How to make image file size smaller mac?